Posts by Sean

Google’s advice to struggling sites: Focus on audience and content quality

June 14, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Google’s advice to struggling sites: Focus on audience and content quality”

Many websites struggle to attract organic traffic from Google Search, leading to frustration and confusion among site owners. Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, has provided guidance on improving visibility and success through three core strategies: creating high-quality content, diversifying traffic sources, and building an engaged audience.

Sullivan emphasizes the importance of long-term SEO practices, moving beyond quick fixes and focusing on creating content that resonates with readers. Diversifying traffic sources and engaging directly with audiences through various channels are also crucial for sustainable growth. Finally, understanding that Google’s ranking system uses a variety of signals can help site owners develop a comprehensive SEO strategy.

Build for your audience

Building an engaged audience is crucial for long-term success. Sullivan shares his experience of growing websites from zero to authoritative entities through email lists, social media, and direct engagement. Cultivating a loyal audience requires consistent effort and a genuine connection with your readers. This involves not only creating valuable content but also engaging with your audience through various channels.

Developing multiple ways to reach and interact with your audience, such as through newsletters, social media, and community forums, can significantly enhance your site’s reach and influence. An engaged audience is more likely to return, share your content, and contribute to your site’s growth.

Long-term strategy, not short-term hacks

Success in SEO now hinges on a comprehensive approach that encompasses all elements of search engine optimization. This means paying attention to technical SEO, on-page and off-page SEO, user experience, and more. The future of SEO belongs to those who are willing to invest time and effort into understanding and implementing these elements effectively.

A long-term strategy focused on sustainable practices will yield better results than short-term hacks or loopholes. Google’s ranking algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, rewarding websites that provide genuine value to users rather than those that exploit technicalities.

The importance of great content

Creating great content is fundamental to attracting and retaining an audience. High-quality content is not just about meeting SEO requirements; it’s about providing real value to readers. This means producing content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

Great content builds trust and authority, positioning your site as a reliable resource in your niche. It encourages users to spend more time on your site, share your content, and return for more. This sustained engagement helps improve your site’s ranking on Google over time.

Stay up to date with the latest Google Updates

Google frequently updates its algorithms to improve search quality and user experience. These updates can sometimes negatively impact websites that were previously performing well.

For sites affected by these changes, future updates might offer some relief. Danny Sullivan acknowledges that in some cases, issues could be on Google’s end rather than the site’s. It’s important for site owners to stay informed about these updates and adapt their strategies accordingly. Regularly reviewing and updating your content to align with the latest best practices can help mitigate the impact of algorithm changes.

Don’t just rely on SEO

Relying solely on Google Search for traffic is not a sustainable strategy. Successful websites attract traffic from a variety of sources, including direct visits, email referrals, links from other sites, and social media mentions.

Diversifying your traffic sources not only helps ensure a steady flow of visitors but also builds resilience against fluctuations in search engine algorithms.

By promoting your content across multiple channels, you can reach a broader audience and reduce dependence on any single source. This multifaceted approach enhances your site’s visibility and can lead to more consistent and reliable traffic growth.

By focusing on these key areas—high-quality content, diversified traffic sources, and building an engaged audience—site owners can improve their chances of success in Google Search. Embracing a long-term, holistic SEO strategy is essential for sustainable growth and visibility.

ChatGPT-4o launches with new features – what this means for marketers

May 31, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “ChatGPT-4o launches with new features – what this means for marketers”

At Intelligency, we pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of AI advancements and their applications in marketing. The recent release of GPT-4o has caught our attention, and after an in-depth review, we believe this new model has the potential to revolutionize the marketing landscape. Here’s our detailed analysis of GPT-4o and its impact on marketers.

Unveiling GPT-4o

Enhanced Multimodal Capabilities: One of the standout features of GPT-4o is its superior ability to understand and discuss images. For example, it can translate a menu into a foreign language, provide historical context about the dishes, and offer recommendations. This level of functionality allows marketers to create engaging, culturally nuanced content that can appeal to a global audience.

Real-Time Voice and Video Interaction: GPT-4o is designed to support more natural, real-time voice conversations and video interactions. Marketers can leverage these capabilities to host interactive live sessions, explain products in detail, or conduct Q&A sessions. This direct engagement can significantly enhance customer interaction and provide a more immersive brand experience.

Improved Language Proficiency: With its enhanced quality and speed, GPT-4o supports over 50 languages. This feature is a boon for marketers looking to reach a global audience. It ensures that messaging is consistent and effective across different languages and regions, breaking down communication barriers and enhancing global reach.

Advantages for Marketers

Personalized Customer Interactions: GPT-4o’s improved contextual understanding and language generation enable more personalized customer interactions. Marketers can deploy sophisticated chatbots that offer tailored responses based on individual user preferences and behaviours, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Advanced Data Analysis and Insights: The model’s enhanced sentiment analysis and trend identification capabilities are game-changers for marketers. GPT-4o can analyze large datasets to identify patterns and provide actionable insights. This allows marketers to stay ahead of trends, understand customer sentiment better, and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Efficient Content Creation and Optimisation: With its ability to generate natural, human-like text, GPT-4o is a powerful tool for content creation. Marketers can quickly produce high-quality blog posts, social media updates, and ad copy with minimal editing. The AI’s versatility in mimicking different tones and styles also allows for more personalized and effective content targeting.

Accessibility and Usability

Rollout to Users: GPT-4o is being rolled out to ChatGPT Plus and Team users, with Enterprise users to follow. Importantly, ChatGPT Free users will also have access to GPT-4o features, albeit with usage limits.

Feature Set for Free Users: ChatGPT Free users can now experience GPT-4o’s capabilities, including:

  • GPT-4 level intelligence
  • Responses from both the model and the web
  • Data analysis and chart creation
  • Photo discussion capabilities
  • File uploads for summarizing, writing, or analyzing
  • Access to GPTs and the GPT Store
  • Memory features for a more personalized experience

A Fresh Look and Feel

User-Friendly Interface: ChatGPT now boasts a new, friendlier, and more conversational design. The updated home screen, message layout, and overall interface provide a more engaging and user-friendly experience, making it easier for marketers to navigate and utilize the platform effectively.


GPT-4o represents a significant leap forward in AI technology, offering a suite of features that can greatly benefit marketers. From advanced language capabilities and multimodal interactions to enhanced data analysis and personalized customer engagement, GPT-4o is poised to become an indispensable tool in the marketing toolkit. At Intelligency, we believe that embracing these advancements will enable marketers to stay ahead of the curve, drive deeper engagement, and achieve better results.

Overview of Google’s March 2024 Core Update

May 3, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Overview of Google’s March 2024 Core Update”

On March 5, 2024, Google began rolling out its first major update of the year, which concluded on April 19, 2024. This significant update impacted various core systems and aimed to enhance the quality of search results by targeting low-quality and unoriginal content.

Key Outcomes and Achievements
Initially, Google projected a 40% reduction in low-quality content; however, the actual improvement exceeded expectations, achieving a 45% reduction. This update also marked the end of standalone helpful content updates, integrating these into the core update mechanism.

Details of the March 2024 Core Update

Complex Changes to Core Systems

The update involved intricate changes to multiple core systems. Chris Nelson from Google emphasized that this update was more complex than typical updates and aimed at improving the way content helpfulness is assessed.

Impact on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

For site owners and SEO professionals, understanding the implications of this update is crucial. Google has refined its approach to identifying web pages that offer poor user experiences or appear to be crafted solely for ranking purposes. These are often pages tailored to very specific search queries but do not provide genuine value to users.

Support and Resources for Site Owners

Debugging and Feedback

Google updated its help center page to assist site owners with troubleshooting drops in search rankings. Additionally, a new feedback form was introduced for site owners to report ranking changes for further review by the Google Search team.

Understanding Overlapping Updates

During the same period, Google also rolled out a spam update and adjusted its core web vitals, switching from First Input Delay (FID) to Interaction to Next Paint (INP). These overlapping updates may complicate identifying the specific impacts on site performance.

Long-term Effects and Recovery Tips

Advice for Affected Sites

Recovering from a negative impact can be challenging. Google suggests that the most substantial recovery opportunities may occur following subsequent core updates. The key is to focus on creating helpful, reliable content designed primarily for users, not just to enhance search rankings.

Continued Evolution in SEO Practices

With this update, Google will no longer announce new helpful content updates separately, as these have been integrated into the overall core system. This reflects Google’s ongoing commitment to enhancing the relevancy and quality of search results, encouraging creators to focus on genuine, user-first content.


The March 2024 core update signifies a pivotal shift in Google’s approach to improving search quality. By consolidating the helpful content updates into the core update mechanism, Google aims to streamline its efforts to combat spam and enhance the user experience across its search platform.

Google’s delay on third-party cookie phase-out extended to 2025

April 26, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Google’s delay on third-party cookie phase-out extended to 2025”

Google has once again delayed its plan to phase out third-party cookies on Chrome, now pushing the timeline to possibly as late as 2025. This decision marks the third postponement, indicating significant challenges that still need addressing before third-party cookies can be deprecated.

Understanding Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies are small pieces of code created by websites other than the one you are directly visiting. These are primarily used for cross-site tracking, advertising, and creating a personalized browsing experience. Google’s decision to phase them out stems from increasing privacy concerns among consumers and regulators. This shift intends to promote a more private browsing experience while still enabling advertisers to effectively reach their audiences.

Extended Timeline: What It Means for Businesses

With Google’s latest announcement, brands and marketers gain additional time to adapt their strategies. The discontinuation of third-party cookies is a pivotal change, as these cookies have been instrumental for marketers in targeting advertisements, measuring campaign performance, and improving user experience through personalized ads.

The extension allows businesses to further explore and implement alternative tracking technologies as the reliance on third-party cookies diminishes. Although this is another delay, the eventual discontinuation of third-party cookies is inevitable, emphasizing the need for the industry to prepare for a significant shift in digital advertising practices.

Behind Google’s Decision

In a recent statement from Privacy Sandbox News, Google highlighted the complex nature of transitioning away from third-party cookies. The tech giant acknowledged the varied feedback from multiple sectors, including industry leaders, regulators, and developers, all of which contribute to the ongoing challenges:

  • Google is committed to engaging with the entire ecosystem to navigate the varied opinions and technical challenges.
  • The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) requires additional time to review all evidence, including results from recent industry tests, which must be submitted by the end of June.
  • Given these complexities, Google will not proceed with cookie deprecation in the second half of this year as previously planned.

Looking Ahead

Despite the setback, Google remains hopeful to complete the phase-out by 2025. This timeline, however, is not set in stone as the company continues to navigate regulatory scrutiny and industry feedback. The extended deadline should serve as a reminder for businesses to accelerate their transition plans and innovate in how they collect and utilize data in a privacy-first world.

Google unveils generative image tools for advertisers

April 19, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Google unveils generative image tools for advertisers”

Google has launched innovative generative image tools specifically designed for Demand Gen advertisers around the globe. This new feature allows advertisers to quickly create high-quality, original image assets with just a few clicks, streamlining the process of campaign asset creation.

Streamlined creation process

The new AI-powered tools are capable of producing high-quality images efficiently, significantly reducing the time and effort required from advertisers. Additionally, Google introduced the “Generate more like this” feature. This function enables advertisers to create variations of existing images that have proven effective, ensuring that successful themes or styles can be consistently utilized in their campaigns.

Maintaining control over image selection
Advertisers maintain full control over their campaign images:

  • Full Autonomy: Advertisers decide which AI-generated images to use, not Google’s automated systems.
  • Tailored Content: The ability to choose ensures that all content is specifically tailored to fit the brand’s unique needs and appeal directly to their target audience.

Originality in every image

A key feature of these tools is their ability to ensure originality. Google’s AI guarantees that no two images are the same, providing unique and distinct visual content for every campaign. This not only enhances the visual appeal of the advertisements but also supports the creation of genuinely distinctive marketing materials.

Ideal users and benefits

The generative image tools are particularly useful for:

  • Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs): SMEs can leverage these tools to produce professional-grade marketing assets without the need for large marketing budgets or in-house graphic designers.
  • Digital Marketers and Agencies: These tools allow for quick creation and iteration of campaign images, making it easier to meet client demands and campaign deadlines.
  • E-commerce Businesses: With the need for continuous visual content on product listings and promotions, e-commerce platforms can benefit greatly from the ability to rapidly produce and test different visual assets.

Why this matters

Utilizing AI in this manner can save advertisers significant time, money, and resources. It simplifies the creation of tailored, appealing visual content, making campaign management more efficient and effective. With these tools, Google is paving the way for a more streamlined, creative approach to digital advertising.

Unlocking LinkedIn Success: Key Strategies from Recent Research

April 12, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Unlocking LinkedIn Success: Key Strategies from Recent Research”

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, keeping up with the most effective strategies on platforms like LinkedIn is crucial for maximizing visibility and engagement. A comprehensive analysis conducted by Socialinsider sheds light on the best practices for posting on LinkedIn, based on data collected from active accounts between January 2022 and December 2023. Here’s a distilled guide to what works best on LinkedIn, according to their findings.

The power of images and videos

  • Multi-Image Magic: If you’re aiming for engagement, stacking your posts with multiple images is the way to go. This approach has been pinpointed as the most engaging format on LinkedIn. While carousel posts are no longer an option, you can mimic this effect by sharing PDFs where each page is a captivating image that tells part of your story.
  • Video Victories: For boosting your brand’s shareability, video content is your best ally. This format has emerged as the top performer in terms of being shared across LinkedIn, making it a key asset for any brand looking to increase its visibility.

Engage and understand your audience

  • Polls for Pulses: Want to know what your audience thinks? Polls not only engage but also leave a significant impression, offering a simple yet effective way for your followers to voice their opinions.
  • Short and Sweet: When it comes to captions, less is more. A succinct caption paired with your images can enhance engagement significantly. It’s all about making your content easily digestible for your audience.
  • Personal Touch: Encouraging your team to actively participate on LinkedIn, by curating their personal profiles and sharing company messages, can amplify your brand’s reach and authenticity.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Utilize LinkedIn’s page analytics to get to know your audience better. Tailoring your content to different segments based on this data can significantly boost your engagement rates.

A rising tide of engagement

LinkedIn engagement has seen a notable uptick, soaring by 44% year-on-year. This increase is not just a result of the platform’s growing popularity but also due to brands posting more frequently. This shift signifies a strategic move away from other platforms, highlighting LinkedIn’s growing importance in the digital marketing landscape.

Why this matters

Leveraging these insights can revolutionize your LinkedIn strategy. Although there’s no universal solution for success on this platform, applying these data-backed recommendations can guide your content creation towards more meaningful interactions and greater visibility.

Navigating External Links: It’s been observed that posts with external links generally see less engagement. A clever workaround? Share your links in the first comment of your posts to keep your audience engaged without leaving the platform.

By integrating these strategies into your LinkedIn playbook, you can enhance your brand’s presence, foster deeper connections with your audience, and drive your engagement metrics to new heights.

Navigating the Shift: Google Analytics Moves to GA4 in July 2024

April 5, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Navigating the Shift: Google Analytics Moves to GA4 in July 2024”

In a significant update from Google, come July 1, 2024, Google Analytics will see Universal Analytics (UA) replaced by the more advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This shift means that all UA services, including APIs, will no longer be operational, effectively making UA data inaccessible through traditional means.

Key Points to Note

  • Migration is a Must: If you’re still using UA, it’s crucial to migrate to GA4 to continue enjoying Google Analytics services without interruption. Google provides a migration guide to help with this process.
  • Save Your Data: UA users should export their data ASAP. Post the deadline, any UA data not exported will be permanently deleted by Google.
  • Impact on Integrations: The discontinuation of UA will affect various integrations. Conversions tracking, audience lists, and data access via APIs for UA will stop. This could impact advertising campaigns and data reporting tools that rely on UA data.
  • Export Deadlines: For Universal Analytics 360 users, ensure you export historical data through BigQuery before June 30, 2024. After this date, you’ll no longer be able to request data exports, though already exported data will remain accessible.

The transition to GA4 is not just an upgrade but a complete overhaul, offering new features and improved analytics capabilities. To avoid losing critical data and to make the most of GA4’s offerings, users should start the migration process immediately and ensure all necessary data is exported before the cutoff date.

How to Export Your Historical UA Data

Exporting your Universal Analytics data is crucial to ensure you don’t lose any valuable historical insights. Here’s a simplified guide on how to export your data:

  • Access Your UA Account: Log into your Google Analytics account and navigate to the Universal Analytics property you wish to export data from.
  • Choose Your Export Method: Google Analytics offers several ways to export your data, including standard reports, custom data exports, and integrations with tools like Google Sheets and BigQuery.
    • Standard Reports: You can export these directly from the Analytics interface into CSV, Google Sheets, or PDF format.
    • Custom Data Exports: For more comprehensive data needs, use the Custom Data Export feature to select specific data sets for export.
    • BigQuery Integration: Universal Analytics 360 users can export their data to BigQuery for advanced analysis. Start this process as soon as possible to ensure complete data transfer before the deadline.
  • Follow Export Instructions: Depending on your chosen method, follow the prompts to complete the export process. For BigQuery users, ensure you initiate the export process before June 30, 2024, to avoid losing access to historical data.
  • Secure Your Data: Once exported, make sure your data is stored securely. Consider cloud storage solutions or external drives for large datasets.

By exporting your data and transitioning to GA4, you can continue to leverage Google Analytics’ powerful tools for insights and decision-making in your digital strategy.

Reddit Unveils New “Free-Form Ads” Mimicking User Posts

March 22, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Reddit Unveils New “Free-Form Ads” Mimicking User Posts”

Reddit has introduced a groundbreaking advertising format called “free-form ads,” designed to seamlessly blend with the platform’s user-generated content. By mirroring the look and style of regular posts, these ads aim to foster natural engagement between advertisers and the Reddit community.

Key Features of Free-Form Ads

  • Engagement-Focused Design: Advertisers can now craft ads that closely resemble user posts, encouraging more interactive and engaging experiences.
  • Diverse Media Integration: The ads support a mix of images, videos, and text, utilizing templates for easy creation.
  • Inspired by Megathreads: Drawing inspiration from Reddit’s popular Megathreads, these ads serve as a hub for information and discussion on trending topics.

Why Free-Form Ads Matter

  • Enhanced Engagement: Brands can deliver comprehensive information in an engaging way, potentially boosting conversion rates.
  • Potential User Backlash: There’s a risk that users seeking authentic content might react negatively to ads disguised as user posts.

How Free-Form Ads Work

  • Versatile Media Support: Advertisers can use images, videos, and text to share in-depth information.
  • Template-Based Creation: Ready-made templates facilitate the easy assembly of ads.
  • Sponsored Label Visibility: Ads are marked with a “Promoted” label for transparency.
  • Global Availability and Accessibility
  • Reddit Ads Manager Integration: The new ad format is accessible globally to all advertisers via the Reddit Ads Manager.

Early Success Stories

  • Brands like Just Eat Takeaway, Kraft Heinz, and Leica: Reported significant upper funnel results through early adoption of free-form ads.
  • Philadelphia Cream Cheese Case Study: Demonstrated the ad format’s ability to engage communities, yielding over a thousand comments, a 91% upvote rate, and a 42% higher click-through rate compared to previous benchmarks on Reddit.

Reddit’s new free-form ads represent a strategic effort to enhance advertising engagement by mimicking the platform’s user content style. While offering the potential for increased brand interaction and community engagement, the success of this approach will depend on the balance between advertisement and user experience integrity.

Summary of Google’s March 2024 Search Updates

March 15, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Summary of Google’s March 2024 Search Updates”

Google has announced a set of major updates in March 2024 to improve search result quality and reduce spam, signifying a commitment to enhancing user experience. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes and their implications:

  • Core Update: The March 2024 core update aims to significantly reduce unhelpful content by 40%. It is more complex than previous updates, affecting multiple systems within Google’s core ranking process. The rollout may take up to a month, with expected fluctuations in search rankings as the updates are implemented.
  • Spam Policy Enhancements: Alongside the core update, Google introduced stringent spam policies targeting:
    • Scaled Content Abuse: Tackling spammy content produced at scale, whether through automation or manual efforts, to manipulate rankings.
    • Expired Domain Abuse: Preventing the misuse of expired domains to boost the ranking of low-quality content.
  • Helpful Content Integration: The helpful content system is now a part of the core update mechanism, streamlining Google’s approach to prioritising valuable and user-focused content. This means no separate announcements for helpful content updates going forward.
  • Guidance for Affected Websites: Google advises that there aren’t specific actions to recover from a rankings drop immediately. The focus should be on creating high-quality content that fulfils user needs. Significant recovery is likely to be observed following subsequent core updates.
  • Impact on Digital Marketing: These updates underscore the importance of quality and relevance in content creation. Digital marketers should ensure their content strategies are aligned with providing genuine value to users, rather than employing tactics solely aimed at improving search rankings.

Google’s Commitment to Quality

These comprehensive updates respond to critiques about the quality of search results and represent Google’s ongoing efforts to ensure users find relevant, informative content. By focusing on enhancing the overall search experience, Google aims to maintain its position as the leading search engine while fostering a healthier digital content ecosystem.

SE Ranking’s Insight into How Google SGE is Impacting Ads

March 8, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “SE Ranking’s Insight into How Google SGE is Impacting Ads”

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is redefining the rules of engagement for ads in search results. This insightful article delves into a comprehensive study by SE Ranking, with whom we partner for our rank tracking for clients, examining the impact of SGE on ad placements across a broad spectrum of keywords and niches. It highlights the strategic positioning of ads and shopping carousels in relation to AI-generated snippets, offering critical insights for marketers looking to navigate this new terrain. Discover how these changes could influence your advertising approach and strategy in the detailed analysis provided.

What is SGE?

SGE, or Search Generative Experience, refers to Google’s integration of AI-driven content directly into search results, aiming to enhance user experience by providing more relevant, comprehensive answers to queries. It marks a shift toward more interactive and dynamically generated content, affecting how users find information and how marketers optimize for visibility and engagement within search results.

Initial Findings

SE Ranking found that ads were displayed at the top in 23.19% of instances and at the bottom in 35.21% of cases. Shopping ads, presented as carousels, appeared 14.41% of the time. Shopping ads were predominantly displayed above the SGE snippet, accounting for 80.72% of placements. In contrast, they appeared below the SGE snippet in 13.65% of cases. The least common placement was in the sidebar, occurring just 5.63% of the time.

The Impact on Ad Placement

Google’s evolving search landscape, marked by the integration of the Search Generative Experience (SGE), prompts a strategic shift in ad placements. Here are key points on this trend:

  • Ads predominantly settle at the bottom of search results, hinting at Google’s content prioritization strategy.
  • Shopping ads secure positions above SGE snippets, emphasizing visual shopping aids.
  • An extensive analysis of 100,000 keywords across various sectors reveals insights on ad placement and AI responses.
  • Marketers are encouraged to adapt strategies in response to these evolving dynamics.

Google Shopping Ads & SGE

Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) reshapes the landscape for shopping ads by prioritizing them in search results. Here’s how it impacts their visibility and performance:

  • Enhanced Visibility: Shopping ads are placed prominently above SGE snippets, ensuring they capture attention first.
  • Targeted Reach: This positioning is strategic for queries with purchase intent, directly connecting products with potential buyers.
  • Increased Engagement: Being at the forefront, shopping ads likely see higher click-through rates, driving traffic and sales.

Why is it Important?

The development of Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) is pivotal for SEO marketers as it introduces a new layer of AI-driven content directly in search results, potentially changing user interaction patterns. This necessitates adjustments in SEO strategies to optimize content not just for traditional search algorithms but also for engagement in this new AI-enhanced context. Marketers need to understand how SGE influences visibility and click-through rates to ensure their content remains relevant and effectively reaches their target audience.

What Should We Do About It?

Currently, the future of SGE isn’t certain, but Google’s main guidance of creating engaging, helpful, and authentic content remains as valuable as it was before. Keeping a close eye on SGE and future developments is crucial for understanding its true impact and how it may affect your ongoing SEO strategy. SEO is a constantly shifting landscape that requires regular experimentation, analysis, and education – what may deliver performance this year might not be the next. Keep an eye on our email newsletter and Round-Up blogs for future developments on the impact of SGE.

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