Navigating the Shift: Google Analytics Moves to GA4 in July 2024

April 5, 2024 Posted by Sean Walsh Round-Up 0 thoughts on “Navigating the Shift: Google Analytics Moves to GA4 in July 2024”
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Sean Walsh
Director at Intelligency

Sean is a Director at Intelligency heading up our digital marketing and client services operations. Sean has 15+ years experiencing working both in-house and agency with brands including Lloyds, Alstom, Hitachi, Lufthansa, Viaplay, DFDS Seaways and Mercedes-Benz.

In a significant update from Google, come July 1, 2024, Google Analytics will see Universal Analytics (UA) replaced by the more advanced Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This shift means that all UA services, including APIs, will no longer be operational, effectively making UA data inaccessible through traditional means.

Key Points to Note

  • Migration is a Must: If you’re still using UA, it’s crucial to migrate to GA4 to continue enjoying Google Analytics services without interruption. Google provides a migration guide to help with this process.
  • Save Your Data: UA users should export their data ASAP. Post the deadline, any UA data not exported will be permanently deleted by Google.
  • Impact on Integrations: The discontinuation of UA will affect various integrations. Conversions tracking, audience lists, and data access via APIs for UA will stop. This could impact advertising campaigns and data reporting tools that rely on UA data.
  • Export Deadlines: For Universal Analytics 360 users, ensure you export historical data through BigQuery before June 30, 2024. After this date, you’ll no longer be able to request data exports, though already exported data will remain accessible.

The transition to GA4 is not just an upgrade but a complete overhaul, offering new features and improved analytics capabilities. To avoid losing critical data and to make the most of GA4’s offerings, users should start the migration process immediately and ensure all necessary data is exported before the cutoff date.

How to Export Your Historical UA Data

Exporting your Universal Analytics data is crucial to ensure you don’t lose any valuable historical insights. Here’s a simplified guide on how to export your data:

  • Access Your UA Account: Log into your Google Analytics account and navigate to the Universal Analytics property you wish to export data from.
  • Choose Your Export Method: Google Analytics offers several ways to export your data, including standard reports, custom data exports, and integrations with tools like Google Sheets and BigQuery.
    • Standard Reports: You can export these directly from the Analytics interface into CSV, Google Sheets, or PDF format.
    • Custom Data Exports: For more comprehensive data needs, use the Custom Data Export feature to select specific data sets for export.
    • BigQuery Integration: Universal Analytics 360 users can export their data to BigQuery for advanced analysis. Start this process as soon as possible to ensure complete data transfer before the deadline.
  • Follow Export Instructions: Depending on your chosen method, follow the prompts to complete the export process. For BigQuery users, ensure you initiate the export process before June 30, 2024, to avoid losing access to historical data.
  • Secure Your Data: Once exported, make sure your data is stored securely. Consider cloud storage solutions or external drives for large datasets.

By exporting your data and transitioning to GA4, you can continue to leverage Google Analytics’ powerful tools for insights and decision-making in your digital strategy.

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