Merry Christmas from Intelligency

December 22, 2020 Posted by Sean Walsh Company News 0 thoughts on “Merry Christmas from Intelligency”
Author Profile
Sean Walsh
Director at Intelligency

Sean is a Director at Intelligency heading up our digital marketing and client services operations. Sean has 15+ years experiencing working both in-house and agency with brands including Lloyds, Alstom, Hitachi, Lufthansa, Viaplay, DFDS Seaways and Mercedes-Benz.

As 2020 draws to an end and we close our offices until next year, we just wanted to say thanks to all of our amazing clients who have supported our business in what has been a challenging year for everyone. Keeping the business running through dark and difficult times is one thing, but growing it is something else.

We’re delighted to report that 2020 was another record year of growth in terms of turnover and profit despite COVID and that we’ve been involved in some really exciting projects with clients. Some highlights include:

  • Essentially being in lockdown since March we’ve been able to adapt our day-to-day operations with almost entirely home working processes in place across our team and partners.
  • We’ve launched 5 e-commerce websites in 6 months with enormous success reporting over £400k of additional revenue to clients that hadn’t previously “sold online”.
  • Won 5 new clients solely through client referrals whilst retaining 90% of our clients through the pandemic.
  • Helped launch 3 new businesses online with support on website development, paid social and SEO.
  • Designed and developed fully integrated Google Data Studio Dashboards to help unite reporting for all digital marketing channels into one dynamic outlet.
  • Integrated 5 Premier League football clubs into our digital intelligence platform.
  • Delivered YoY growth for organic traffic for every single one of our SEO clients despite the impact of lockdown.

2021 will hopefully see some return to normality for us all and we can’t wait to get back to reporting our results face-to-face with all our clients. In our pipeline we’re looking forward to:

  • Partnering with 3 new clients in January
  • Expanding our content team
  • Massively upgrading our audience profiling technology & tools

Until then, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and prosperous new year.


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