The Importance of FAQs on your website

May 17, 2024 Posted by Maisie Lloyd Round-Up 0 thoughts on “The Importance of FAQs on your website”
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Maisie Lloyd
Digital Content Specialist

I'm passionate about recording the world, but most of all driven by creativity and collaborative environments. My experience revolves around the production of digital content, pertaining to graphic design, writing copy, and video and audio content.

Frequently Asked Questions offer your audience a deeper understanding of your services and products. They allow you as a brand to address any reoccurring questions all in one place, making it easy for the customer to navigate finding answers to their queries. 

FAQs don’t just serve the users, they also help Google recognise your brand as one that is providing useful content, ultimately enhancing its user’s experience. Quality user experiences help boost your ranking, so if you were on the fence about creating them, do!

How to write an FAQ section?

Firstly, you need to identify the commonly asked questions and write them all down, this means you can add questions or refer to see if it has been asked before. Once you’ve identified the questions, see if you can categorise them.

Look into both long-tailed and short-tailed search terms also used on search terms to write answers that searchers who may not have intended to find your page, do.

An example of this would be when people ask about shipping times or the packaging. Though they are not asking the same thing, they both address shipping queries and therefore can be put into the same category.

Figure out how you want the layout on the page, determine the hierarchy of questions and position the most common or useful towards the top of the page for ease of access. Make sure the FAQ page is easy to find too, this could be done by adding a button to the Navigation bar or one on the footer as users typically search for it in these areas.

Lastly and most importantly, make sure all the information is kept up to date as time passes, customer questions may start to shift, or you might find a question is being used less/ more frequently. When you notice these changes, adjust the content to reflect the changes in the needs of the customers.

How FAQ pages can benefit your business

High ranking is everything when trying to maintain existing audiences and reach new ones. That’s why it’s super important to consider implementing FAQs on your website, this can be with a page, or placing the FAQ under product descriptions. This is a great way to address those long-tail search phrases, by implementing the search terms into the keywords needed in the FAQs.

For brands that Google perceive as incredibly useful and factually correct, there’s the opportunity to be displayed in the featured answer box, in position 0 on Google’s page. This means that the content would be the first thing to appear on a searcher’s results page.

Users can build trust with a brand that is transparent about the products or service, creating trust also forges the path to retaining customers. Customers will have less need to contact customer services which will also help relieve the customer service team from answering the same queries over and over again.

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