YouTube offers new insights to creators, displaying their high-earning videos on demand, livestreams, and shorts

February 23, 2024 Posted by Maisie Lloyd Round-Up 0 thoughts on “YouTube offers new insights to creators, displaying their high-earning videos on demand, livestreams, and shorts”
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Maisie Lloyd
Digital Content Specialist

I'm passionate about recording the world, but most of all driven by creativity and collaborative environments. My experience revolves around the production of digital content, pertaining to graphic design, writing copy, and video and audio content.

YouTube has announced its new analytical feature, which allows creators to see what their top-earning videos are. The feature is segmented by format of lives, video on demand and shorts. The interface will also show the view count across the high-achieving content.

What has been updated on YouTube?

YouTube has provided a new analytical tool, aiding its users in identifying their top-earning video content. This is categorised by format – VOD, lives, and shorts. In doing so users will be able to compare the success rate of each format and adjust their strategy to accommodate what works and what does not.

Developing content strategies that an audience can engage with whilst monetizing video assets is one of the benefits of utilising the data provided with the new feature.

How to utilise insights to craft successful video content?

Data made available on YouTube analytics is the key to creators understanding what performs best for an audience. This then allows creators to implement a strategy change to accommodate for making profitable and quality content.

Creating successful video content isn’t just about replicating existing content that has been gainful for channels, although that does play a vital role in the development and crafting of video content.

Existing content can be re-formatted or re-created to target an audience that would have otherwise not seen it. I.e. changing a long stream into multiple shorts.  This method of repurposing content is called Content Recycling, a bid to increase the content’s reach. Content recycling can be as simple as editing and resizing existing content or can be entirely new content that touches upon the previously produced content.

Alternatively, the creator could adjust their strategy, focusing on the predominant success of one format, and choosing to focus on producing just that.  While funnelling the budget from the least successful content format into the more successful one.

The last approach is utilising the data from the successful content to identify what made it work for audiences. Once the key factors in a video’s success are identified, content creators can implement similar techniques into their content that is not high-performing.

In a wider sense, how will you be leveraging your data to refine and enhance your content plan? Should you have any questions feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss ways of maximising the success of your content.

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